Air Manis is a typical traditional Malay village surrounded by paddy fields, mangroves, coconut, and palm oil plantations. It is situated 150 Km north of Kuala Lumpur along the coastal highway.

The settlement started with agricultural activity nearly 90 years ago. It has now a population of 4000 people engaged in the agricultural sector. One thing still remains, the people are friendly, warm and hospitable toward visitors. Air Manis is made up of seven villages, offering unique homestay program for tourists who want to experience holiday with a difference.


The Malay heritage, which its Arabic and Muslim influence, is distinctively evident in the cultural performances. With the mixture of Chinese and Indian traditions, the result is unique blend of cultural entertainment. Homestay visitors will get to see the shadow play or Wayang Kulit , listen to Gazal and Gamelan traditional music , and be welcomed by the beat of Kompang drums , check out the ancient art of self-defense Silat Gayung Patanni and Cemendi plus several other cultural and musical performances .


Food is the best part. This is as a result of the various races living together for so long. Rice or Nasi, being the staple food can be eaten with chicken, meat, fish and seafood prepared in curry, sweet sour, steamed, or simply chilly fried. The locals do prepare their traditional food such as Nasi Ambeng , or the ever popular Nasi Lemak, and Sayur Pucuk Ubi to be eaten and enjoyed . There are various types of fruits grown around the compound of the house. These are banana, mango, jack fruit, coconut, water melon, sugar cane, and guava available year round. However, Duku Langsat, and Mangosteen are seasonal in nature.


Most evenings the villagers gather to play sports such as Badmimton, Sepak Raga (kicking a rattan ball), kite flying, or even soccer. Otherwise the traditional game of Congkak, Batu Seremban, Tenteng and Galah Panjang would be played.

Those who prefer the water can go canoeing or do a spot of fishing. For bird lovers, Watch the migratory birds coming in to feed and roost. Or if you prefer, go feed the monkeys at the Monkeys Garden.


Paddy farming is the major economic activity here. Other agro-based industries are supplying of coconuts, cocoa, coffee beans and tending to oil palm plantations.

Recent additions to the agriculture sector are the planting of dragon fruit or Pitula, and Longan a variety of the Lychee fruit.


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) contribute towards the economic well being of the villagers. These are mainly in the food and snacks industries. Banana chip, potato chips and other traditional snacks such as Rempeyek , Keropok Bawang, and Kuah Pecal are produced and marketed .


Canoeing in the surrounding streams, taking in the views and enjoying the peace and tranquility can be organized. To relax and loosen up stiff and aching muscle, the local traditional massage is worth trying.


Homestay visitors are assured of comfortable living with food provided during the duration of their stay. Clean and pleasant homes await you here. Electricity, running, water and access to communications are also available.

No 30 Jalan Haji Mansor Batu 37 Darat
45200 Sabak Bernam, Selangor, Malaysia

Pejabat Tel/Fax : 03-32161696

H/P : 016 – 689 5763( En. Subani Bin Hj Marzuki )

Emil: airmanis.homestay@gmail.com

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