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Air Manis is a typical traditional Malay village surrounded by paddy fields, mangroves, coconut, and palm oil plantations. It is situated 150 Km north of Kuala Lumpur along the coastal highway.The settlement started with agricultural activity nearly 90 years ago. It has now a population of 4000 people engaged in the agricultural sector. One thing still remains, the people are friendly, warm and hospitable toward visitors. Air Manis is made up of seven villages, offering unique homestay program for tourists who want to experience holiday with a difference.

Our Stories...

Friday 21 August 2015



Rumah banglo yang sangat selesa. Berada dalam kawasan kampung yang di kelilingi kehijauan flora yang dingin dan mendamaikan. Sesesuai untuk keluarga besar.

Bil. bilik : 5

Kemudahan : Kelengkapan memasak, mesin basuh dll

Bil unit : 1

Bahagian Halaman Rumah

Ruang Tamu yang luas

Ruang Makan

Dapur Basah

Bilik Tidur 1

Bilik Tidur 2

Bilik Tidur 3

Bilik Tidur 4

Bilik Sembahyang (boleh dijadikan tempat tidur)

Ruang menonton ke2 dan kemudahan seterika

Tandas 1

Tandas 2

Sewa RM 280.00 shj untuk 1 malam.


Rumah kampung dengan kemudahan moden yang mempunyai ciri-ciri senibina tradisional. Dikelilingi sawah padi dan kawasan kejiranan para pesawah padi. Dilengkapi dengan 2 bilik tidur. Salah satu berhawa dingin. Ruang tamu dan rehat yang luas. Kelengkapan memasak dan peti sejuk. Tandas dan bilik mandi terletak di atas rumah.

Suasana pada waktu malam

Ruang tamu, ruang legar, balkoni elakang  serta tandas yang selesa

Sewa RM 200 shj 1 malam
Kalau termasuk pakej makan dan aktiviti RM 150 untuk 3H2M seorang.


Challet with attic surrounded by paddy field.


Travelling along the river by traditional transportation like boat or sampan is a rarely opportunity we aver get today. For night activities like looking for a wonders of night such as looking for bioluminescent beetles under the trees where fireflies gather under the trees and shine the riverbank over kilometers long by traditional boat or known as sampan by Malay people is one of the experience you’ll never forget.
These bioluminescent beetles can be found at ‘Fireflies Park’ which located at Homestay Air Manis, Sabak Bernam, should be crown as the 8th wonders of the world. This is due to the beauty of the nature at the state of Selangor, which only can be found at the riverside which shine along the river. This unique natural treasure discovers at Homestay Air Manis in early 2009.
Fireflies are the pteroptyx tener species found at Homestay Air Manis, it is an insect from the beetles group. The unique of the fireflies is at its tail, where it can produce light. What more interesting is, the light came from thousand of fireflies, about 6mm long blinking all the time at 3 blink per second. According to the old folks, the male firefly produced brighter light than female firefly, this is to attract it mate through the bright light, for mating.
The lifecycle for a firefly is 2 weeks to 3 months, and it relies on the Berembang tree to live .Berembang tree known as sonneratia caseolaris grow at the Sabak Bernam rivebank, it lives at swap area and damp surrounding, which is important for the fireflies. Water from the Berembang trees is the source of food for the fireflies. The wonder of fireflies found in Homestay Air Manis has attracted local and international tourist.
Homestay Air Manis management team is making an effort to make fireflies as one the tourism product since it became popular and attracting local and international tourist.
Usually Fireflies can be seen as soon at 7 pm until midnight except during rain. The spectacular view can be seen during night without moonlight. For those who want to discover this 8th wonders of the world, the journey from Kuala Lumpur takes 2 hours and 45 minutes. Signboards are provided as guidance to make your journey easier. This area should be visited by others people especially for those who live in town. We can’t see this bioluminescent beetle at the middle of the town, but can only be found at rural area. Tourism Agencies can manage your journey by packages provided or you can travel by your own transportation with the loves ones. 

Fireflies alight on Berembang tree that grown at the Bernam riverside. The lifecycle’s of firefly start from the eggs, larvae, pulp, and the adult firefly. The firefly’s larvae can live on the ground or water, it has mandibles poisons use to defend organ and as tool to find victims or food. Fireflies’ larvae eat nematod, copepod and midge larvae, it will produce liquid poisons which can kill the victims and make the victims become partially liquid. Male and female firefly can be differentiates by lightning organ located at the abdomen of the fireflies. The Adult fireflies can live until 30 days without food. Plant is the source of food for fireflies.

Barembang’s fruits can be eaten, but it slightly bitter.

The main attraction of fireflies is the light at it tail. The colour of the light is varies depend on the species. The light produce by fireflies is the reaction by fireflies special organ located underneath of firefly’s abdomen. What more unique is, it does not produce any heat, therefore no heat energy loss. The organ of fireflies that produce the light divided into 3 layers;-
Internal layer,
Contains Microscopic crystal layer cells, which contain uric acid that as reflector.
Middle layer
Rich in nerves mitochondrion and trakeol, use as to producing the light sel.
Outer layer
This layer is the translucent skin, which act as a lens. Contradict to the light we use to see, the light produce by fireflies contain infrared or UV. The long of the wave, frequency, size and pattern of the light produce depend on the species.

Process and reaction for fireflies to produce light;

Luciferase Enzyme + Oxygen gas + ATP + Luciferin ---> Light


The light produced by fireflies is not effective on the ordinary negative film. The wonders of fireflies can only be seen by human eyes.

Fireflies usually found after the twilight, at the tree leaves and grass. Blinking of fireflies started after 1 hour sunset. The rate for fireflies blink is 3 blink per second. At the beginning fireflies takes 15-20 minutes to warm up before producing the light. During the first 2 to 3 hours, the light, blink brightly and continuously, after that period the rate of blinking will be reduce and stop blinking when the sunrise at the morning.

One thing interesting about fireflies is fireflies from trees nearby will copy each other to get the same rhythm and rate of light. At the end, the rate of light of fireflies at the nearby trees will be same. The blinking is to attract female firefly for mating purpose. Usually female fireflies ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­alight on a tree leaves, blinking and lowered its abdomen with to the leaves. 

If 6000 fireflies trapped in a glass bottle, the light produced is bright as a candle. Fireflies can change 100% of its energy to light. But light bulb only changed 10% from the electricity to light! 90% of energy waste as heat energy.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Day Trip Package

This package is suitable for large and medium-sized groups. Package trips involving visits, guided activities, shopping and experience in the village during the day without overnight stay. Activities from 10 am until 6 pm


Events and activities
- Welcome drink 
- Visit  Bahulu and Chips Factory
- Visit Paddy 
- Visit Rice Mill (buy new rice) 
- Visit Factory Nata De Coco & Virgin Coconut Oil 
- Congkak / kite / drums 
- Fresh water fishing
- Catch fresh water fish with bare hand
- Sampan and swimming

-Lunch : Nasi Ambeng
- Afternoon tea provided

Contact us for a special price ...

016-6895763 / 03-32161696 (MR Suban)

Thursday 29 December 2011


Bil. bilik : 3
Kemudahan : Pemanas air,peti sejuk, televisyen dan katil.
Air-cond : ruang tamu shj


Jadi apa tunggu lagi..
Jadikan PERCUTIAN atau apa jua ACARA anda menjadi lebih bermakna. 

hubungi kami untuk tempahan dan keterangan lanjut.

03-32161696 ( Pejabat)
016-6895763 ( En Subani)